Welcome to
the Beth Din
of Johannesburg.

Our community’s first port of call for expert Halachic guidance.

people guided by our Dayanim annually
serving Johannesburg’s Jewish community
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The Beth Din of Johannesburg

Governed by Halacha (Jewish Law) and directed with integrity, the Beth Din of Johannesburg is South Africa’s address for professional and reliable Halachic guidance from Dayanim (Jewish judges) who assist the community with compassion, dignity and respect.

At the Beth Din, we’re committed to

Dayan Dovid Baddiel

“At the Beth Din, we are a listening ear, and are here to advise and support each and every member of the community. We want the Beth Din to be a place anyone can feel comfortable coming to.”

Dayan Yoel Smith

“The Beth Din is unique in the way that all the services it provides, such as Kashrus, conversions, etc, are centralised under one umbrella organisation, and it is recognised by all Jews across the board. The South African Jewish community itself is renowned for its warmth and inclusivity. My goal is to maintain the reputation of the Beth Din as being an institution founded on integrity and trust.”

Dayan Gidon Fox

“South Africa is blessed with a single Beth Din, with an historic track record. It services the entire gamut of the Orthodox Jewish community of South Africa, something not found in many other places. Having experience as a community Rabbi, I hope to act as a positive interface between the community and the Beth Din, and ensure the organisation is accessible, approachable and at the helm of leadership for the diverse and varied segments within our community.”

Rabbi Ron Hendler

“As a community Rabbi with 40+ years of leading and mentoring behind me, I endeavour to use my experience to deal with my community members in the most respectful and caring way. 

I hope that the Beth Din will always be the Johannesburg Jewish community’s address for Jewish guidance and direction, and that we can continue to service the community for years to come.”

Rabbi Shmuel Slasky

"We strive to service Johannesburg's Jewish community with sensitivity and care, ensuring that all aspects of Jewish tradition and law are accessible and upheld.

The Beth Din's processes for personal and community services are constantly being assessed and adjusted to ensure that our community members are cared for in the most respectful and dignified way. We also work hard to keep channels of communication open, clearly explaining each step of each process to the relevant parties.”

Dayan Dovid Baddiel

“At the Beth Din, we are a listening ear, and are here to advise and support each and every member of the community. We want the Beth Din to be a place anyone can feel comfortable coming to.”

Dayan Yoel Smith

“The Beth Din is unique in the way that all the services it provides, such as Kashrus, conversions, etc, are centralised under one umbrella organisation, and it is recognised by all Jews across the board. The South African Jewish community itself is renowned for its warmth and inclusivity. My goal is to maintain the reputation of the Beth Din as being an institution founded on integrity and trust.”

Dayan Gidon Fox

“South Africa is blessed with a single Beth Din, with an historic track record. It services the entire gamut of the Orthodox Jewish community of South Africa, something not found in many other places. Having experience as a community Rabbi, I hope to act as a positive interface between the community and the Beth Din, and ensure the organisation is accessible, approachable and at the helm of leadership for the diverse and varied segments within our community.”

Rabbi Ron Hendler

“As a community Rabbi with 40+ years of leading and mentoring behind me, I endeavour to use my experience to deal with my community members in the most respectful and caring way. 

I hope that the Beth Din will always be the Johannesburg Jewish community’s address for Jewish guidance and direction, and that we can continue to service the community for years to come.”

Rabbi Shmuel Slasky

"We strive to service Johannesburg's Jewish community with sensitivity and care, ensuring that all aspects of Jewish tradition and law are accessible and upheld.

The Beth Din's processes for personal and community services are constantly being assessed and adjusted to ensure that our community members are cared for in the most respectful and dignified way. We also work hard to keep channels of communication open, clearly explaining each step of each process to the relevant parties.”

We’re here to support you.

Dovid Baddiel


Originally from the UK, Dayan Baddiel studied in Gateshead Yeshiva in England and then the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem before progressing to Jerusalem’s Harry Fischel Institute for Rabbinics and Dayanut to earn his Dayanut qualification.

Dayan Baddiel and his family moved to South Africa in 2009, where he joined the Beth Din in the same year. At the Beth Din, Dayan Baddiel heads the Gittin department, and is also heavily involved in providing certificates for proof of Jewish status, as well as assisting in the Dinei Torah. 

In addition to his role at the Beth Din, Dayan Baddiel has been the Rabbi of the Ohr Aharon community since 2016, guiding its members with his Halachic expertise and natural leadership skills.

Yoel Smith


Son of Rabbi Dovid Smith, the late Chief Rabbi of Lithuania, Dayan Yoel Smith studied in Gateshead Yeshiva, UK and then South Fallsburg, USA, before practising as a community Rabbi in both Glasgow and Berlin. 

After moving to South Africa, Dayan Smith joined the Beth Din in 2016.
He also became the Rabbi of the thriving Shaarei Chaim community. 

In his role as a Dayan, Dayan Smith handles all legal matters, ranging from arbitration and mediation to litigation and any other matters of dispute which are brought to the Beth Din. Currently, he also plays an important role in the Conversion process. He considers it a great privilege to contribute towards enriching Jewish life in South Africa by serving on the Beth Din, and values the uniqueness and distinct qualities of the Johannesburg community as a whole.

Gidon Fox


Born in the UK, Dayan Fox lived and studied in Israel before relocating to South Africa in 1981 where he matriculated at the Torah Academy. Following matric, he studied both locally and abroad, receiving Smicha in Australia and qualifying as a Dayan through Machon Ariel in Israel in 2019.

In 2005 Dayan Fox became the Rabbi of the Pretoria Hebrew Congregation (PHC). 

His other leadership experience includes a stint as head of the South African Rabbinical Association, as well as the Dean of Yeshiva Lerabbonus Pretoria.

As founder of the organisation Shifra in both South Africa and Australia, Dayan Fox is involved in providing Halachic counselling and supervision for couples undergoing fertility treatment. In this role he works closely with the Malka Ella fund.

At the Beth Din, Dayan Fox works collaboratively with the other Dayanim and Rabbis to ensure that the Halachic needs of the community members are met with care and respect.

Rabbi Ron Hendler

Rabbinical Co-ordinator

Rabbi Hendler has devoted himself to South Africa’s Jewish communities for the last 40 years. 

He started out as the Rabbi of the EJC community, moved on to lead the Cyreldine Hebrew Congregation, and then to the Har Hashem community. Following that, he founded a Shul and community based around his Northfield Avenue home and he has been leading this community for the last 20 years.

Originally a member of the Chief Rabbi’s office during the leadership of Rabbi Harris, Rabbi Hendler was asked to join the Beth Din to oversee Conversions.
He thus spent the last 18 years running the Conversions department, ensuring that converts to Judaism are properly vetted, educated and welcomed into their new communities. 

Rabbi Hendler continues to run the annual Chief Rabbi’s Rabbinical Conference — an incredible opportunity for Rabbis from all over South Africa to collaborate and share wisdom and insight relating to their important roles.

Over the past year and a half, Rabbi Hendler has also become involved in the Beth Din’s mediations. As a community Rabbi with a wealth of leadership experience, Rabbi Hendler is well-equipped to carry out mediations with sensitivity and understanding, ensuring that conflicts are resolved in the best possible way.

Rabbi Shmuel Slasky

Rabbinical Director

Rabbi Slasky is the Rabbinical Director, responsible for overseeing the Eiruvin, Mediations and Kashrut of Mikvaot.

Born in South Africa, Rabbi Slasky spent many years living and studying in Israel before joining the Beth Din. In Israel, he learnt in Torah Ohr Yeshiva, the Mir Yeshiva and Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky’s Yeshiva, receiving Semicha from The Chief Rabbinate of Israel, Rav Zalman Nechemiya Goldberg, and Jerusalem’s Machon Harry Fischel. He has been thoroughly trained for his role as the Beth Din’s mediator, and is also up-to-date in his knowledge of modern-day, practical applications of Halacha.

Rabbi Slasky is currently studying Dayanut though Machon Harry Fishel.