The giving of a Get is the Halachic method of Jewish divorce,
handled by the Beth Din with the utmost sensitivity and care. 

Judaism values a healthy marriage as one of its highest values. However, where a marriage cannot be maintained, the Torah provides the option of a Get as an appropriate and sensitive way to bring the marriage to an end. It is imperative for Jewish couples seeking divorce to do so with the guidance of the Beth Din to ensure that they are fully compliant with Halacha and ultimately able to move on.

The giving of a Get is the Halachic method of Jewish divorce, handled by the Beth Din with the utmost sensitivity and care. 

Judaism values a healthy marriage as one of its highest values. However, where a marriage cannot be maintained, the Torah provides the option of a Get as an appropriate and sensitive way to bring the marriage to an end. It is imperative for Jewish couples seeking divorce to do so with the guidance of the Beth Din to ensure that they are fully compliant with Halacha and ultimately able to move on.

How it works

Apply for a Get

  • Either spouse contacts the Beth Din Office to apply for a Get.
  • A Dayan will be assigned to the case. He will discuss the situation with the party/parties, and he may request permission from the couple to speak to their marriage counselor, if they have one, to be certain that all attempts to salvage the marriage have been exhausted. This may take a few days.

Schedule a date

  • The Beth Din Office contacts both parties to schedule a date for the Get.
  • Prior to the scheduled date, the Dayan will verify the names of the husband and wife to ensure that the names on the Get areentirely accurate.

Documents to bring to the Get proceedings

  • Your Jewish marriage contract (Ketubah) and civil license, if available
  • One photo ID e.g. driver’s license, passport, etc.
  • Documentation from your previous divorce, if applicable

Write and sign the Get

  • On the scheduled date the husband comes in first and appoints the scribe and two witnesses to write and sign the Get.
  • It is preferable that the husband gives the Get to his wife directly, however it is possible for him to appoint a proxy — before the writing and signing of the Get takes place — and the wife will receive the Get from the proxy at the Beth Din at a later date. The same is also done if the wife is residing in a different city or country.
  • The writing and signing of the Get takes approximately 2 hours. The husband should remain at the Beth Din for the duration of the writing, or at least make himself available should his presence be required.

Give/receive the Get

  • When the Get is ready to be handed over the Beth Din will request the wife to appear at the Beth Din to receive it.
  • The Get is received by the wife from the husband or proxy in the presence of three Dayanim, and two witnesses.
  • The handing over of the Get is done in a specific manner, according to the instructions of the presiding Dayan.
  • After the wife receives the Get she hands it to one of the witnesses.
    At this point the husband leaves the courtroom and the wife remains.

Next steps

  • Following the giving and receiving of the Get, the Dayan makes the wife aware of the restrictions that apply to her such as waiting 90 days before remarrying and not being allowed to marry a Cohen.
  • The Get is archived at the Beth Din and both parties, upon the execution of the civil divorce and once payment for the Get has been made, receive a Certificate of Divorce stating that they are Halachically divorced.
  • Payment for the Get can be arranged either prior to or on the day of the Get proceedings, or invoiced and sent after the handover via an EFT.
  • Either spouse contacts the Beth Din Office to apply for a Get.
  • A Dayan will be assigned to the case. He will discuss the situation with the party/parties, and he may request permission from the couple to speak to their marriage counselor, if they have one, to be certain that all attempts to salvage the marriage have been exhausted. This may take a few days.
  • The Beth Din Office contacts both parties to schedule a date for the Get.
  • Prior to the scheduled date, the Dayan will verify the names of the husband and wife to ensure that the names on the Get areentirely accurate.
  • Your Jewish marriage contract (Ketubah) and civil license, if available
  • One photo ID e.g. driver’s license, passport, etc.
  • Documentation from your previous divorce, if applicable
  • On the scheduled date the husband comes in first and appoints the scribe and two witnesses to write and sign the Get.
  • It is preferable that the husband gives the Get to his wife directly, however it is possible for him to appoint a proxy — before the writing and signing of the Get takes place — and the wife will receive the Get from the proxy at the Beth Din at a later date. The same is also done if the wife is residing in a different city or country.
  • The writing and signing of the Get takes approximately 2 hours. The husband should remain at the Beth Din for the duration of the writing, or at least make himself available should his presence be required.
  • When the Get is ready to be handed over the Beth Din will request the wife to appear at the Beth Din to receive it.
  • The Get is received by the wife from the husband or proxy in the presence of three Dayanim, and two witnesses.
  • The handing over of the Get is done in a specific manner, according to the instructions of the presiding Dayan.
    After the wife receives the Get she hands it to one of the witnesses.
  • At this point the husband leaves the courtroom and the wife remains.
  • Following the giving and receiving of the Get, the Dayan makes the wife aware of the restrictions that apply to her such as waiting 90 days before remarrying and not being allowed to marry a Cohen.
  • The Get is archived at the Beth Din and both parties, upon the execution of the civil divorce and once payment for the Get has been made, receive a Certificate of Divorce stating that they are Halachically divorced.
  • Payment for the Get can be arranged either prior to or on the day of the Get proceedings, or invoiced and sent after the handover via an EFT.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, the two processes can happen simultaneously. The Beth Din encourages couples to have the Get given before the civil divorce is filed.

A Get is the only document that completely dissolves a Jewish marriage and allows a Jewish woman to marry other Jewish men. Without a Get, a Jewish woman who remarries commits adultery and her children will be Mamzeirim (not permitted to marry anyone Jewish).

Women must wait 92 days after receiving a Get before remarrying. Men are permitted to remarry immediately after.

No. Typically, both the husband and wife are in the room for the Get proceedings
(the wife only being required to attend towards the end of the proceedings). However,
when appropriate due to logistical or emotional reasons, the Beth Din will arrange for the husband to appoint an agent to deliver the Get to his wife some time after the husband
has left the Beth Din’s office so that the parties need not appear together.

Yes. Each party may be accompanied by a family member or friend.

No. We can facilitate a Get to be given or received outside of the Beth Din, So long as there is a Beth Din situated where the Get is to be given or received.

Apply for a Get